Mr. Coleman's Websites

Friday, November 8, 2013

If All Education Was Presented As Animated Segments, What Would We Learn About Learning?

Such presentations are old hat in some ways, and with a broad spectrum of animation software and internet distribution are now also cutting edge presentation of ideas and information.  The lecture squanders, the worksheet busies, the educational video captures - some captivate with high quality work and inventive illustrations to accompany the material.  What of interactive animations?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Where Do We Go From Here?

Simultaneously, a number of parents all sent a link to this article, as it shares many of the goals and vision i have in my classroom and in my work with children.

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses

“In 1970 the top three skills required by the Fortune 500 were the three Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic. In 1999 the top three skills in demand were teamwork, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. We need schools that are developing these skills.”