Mr. Coleman's Websites

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Busy Start of the Year

When teachers return in August we usually have a few days in our rooms and then a few days of meetings (to review curriculum revisions, be trained on new materials, be reminded not to touch human blood - always a tough one with little kids crying, bleeding, hurt on the playground and we all should be wearing plastic gloves).  Coming back to the room is a combination of exhilaration and panic; we want the room up and going and ready for the kids, but can be overwhelmed with so many small things that need to be done.  To help with time management and efficiency, I created a "TO DO" list.  As the years passed I continually added to the list, sometimes having a great idea months into the year.  Copied in below is the version from last year, which I will be dutifully checking off item by item in a few weeks!


General to Do:
            Print business cards
            Sharpen pencils for 1st day of school
            Print copies of staff phone list from school website for 1) under phone, 2) my bag, 3) sub folder
Get school calendar
            In teacher planner:
                        Fill in months/days, student birthdays, testing, back to school, open house, etc
            Make Daily Schedule for plans
            Make schedule for back of nametag
            Make enlarged daily schedule for student reference in the room
            Recess equipment aired up and name put on it
            Put up monthly calendar
            Post copy of monthly lunch menu
            Review/print copy of grade level objectives/common core (especially if revised during the summer)
            Review/print copy of any revised long term plans from district
Create recess kit w/ bandaids, wipes, and emergency kit for teacher to take to recess (inside bucket)
            Update Sub folder
                        Daily schedule
                        Copy of everything in emergency contact folder.
                        IEP at a glance (legally required)
            Get copy of class list
            Print labels with kid’s names
            Update Web Backpack
            Create Emergency Contact Folder
Get from office:
                        Copies of emergency release forms for every student
                        Copy of student password for computer
Printouts from office that show students’ names, addresses, student number, parent e-mails, allergies or other special medical conditions, guardian/spouse names, zip code, mailing address, city name, etc.

Originals to be copied by school aid:
                        Weekly Quiz
            Student Dictionary
Morning work
                        Super 6/Daily Language Review packets
                        2nd and 3rd grade
                                    Weekly list words
                                    4 weekly worksheets – duplexed
                        Power Drill
                        Quick Check
            Multiplication tests
            Welcome to 2nd grade packet
                        (teacher profile, parent survey, AR explanation sheet, expectations, rights and responsibilities, home work guidelines, daily schedule, etc)
            Red Notes
                        DWU redo, PRG warning, extra work notes, no homework pass
            AR coupons (Blue and Red)

Create / put student name on:

Desk Nametag
Hallway bulletin board (Look What Wonder Work We Have Done – Coming Soon)
Lunch stick
Fairness stick
Class list in hall
Weekly Job
Art Supply bucket
Mailbox (and highlight names that are youngest only)
Hallway cubby
Behavior Modification check-off sheet
Report Card envelope
Textbook check out
Attendance / lunch check-off for office
Student file for teacher records
Sub Folder list
Class / subject groupings (posted or in sub folder)
Student planner
            Homework, all subjects, Work in Progress folder, correction folder
                        Classroom chart
                        Make personalized reading range
            Chart for multiplication tests
            Card for each kid with username (student number) and password
Nametag – “I am ________.  I am in Mr. Coleman’s Class” to be picked up on Back to School Night so teacher can quickly learn student names and know which kids in room belong and when they travel the building other teachers know as well.

Computer Programs

Behavior Modification
Student check-off
Weekly projector table
AR (Student list report w/ passwords)
Grade book


Emergency list from office
Lunch Card