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Saturday, April 20, 2013

We all fail, but what of the moments after the failure

Video Review Form

MAS 5010 - Foundations of Educational Administration

Name: Tim Coleman

Video Title: The Asoh Defense

Date: September 16, 2009

Key Points of the Video:

  1. It is good to make mistakes because we can learn from them and become better people.
  2. Mistakes are often seen as weaknesses, bad form, or career suicide. With this perspective we are then encouraged to lie, not take risks, or pursue innovation.
  3. We build elaborate defenses to pass blame onto others and absolve ourselves.
  4. Forgiving, as a trait, is offered in personal life but not in professional life. In the professional world there is a battle between forgiveness and accountability/responsibility.
  5. Truth is a rare commodity, when given it is usually watered down or filled with half-truths.
  6. Responsibility is best when taken openly. Humor solves conflicts and spurs production.


  1. Although we consistently admonish students to be truthful and be willing to revise their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior, these very traits are often frowned upon in the adult world. Humbling oneself in front of a child and admitting your own mistakes and taking pains to point out your own failings is a powerful way to invite a child to do the same with themselves.
  2. In a business, making mistakes can often be detrimental to the bottom line, to making money. But in a school environment, where the very purpose is to shape a maturing human, mistakes are the opportunities to change that which will repeatedly fail or create additional problems for the child throughout their lives.
  3. The relationships within a school community are paramount, long hours of work, high expectations, and a realization that the home life of the children dictates much of what they can and cannot do in your classroom. Within this dynamic the relationships among the staff, students, and principal must be open and truthful. If one person thinks that you don't care for them or you're not willing to own up to your own mistakes then they will be extremely hesitant to share their own struggles.
  4. The most valuable part of the video was on forgiving. When someone makes a mistake that impacts you or you feel slighted then it becomes extremely difficult to carry on as if nothing has happened. People usually resort to putting on a fake face of forgiveness when actually underneath they still seethe. To reach real forgiveness would seem to be a rare thing when dealing with people who you've had conflict with or find yourself at odds with.
  5. Being one who uses humor often, I found it refreshing that the video highlighted the use of humor to solve conflicts, engage people, and get everyone back on track after a mistake has been made. I think usually humor is perceived as a trait of the immature or unintelligent. I know in my school I may be seen as immature but in the day to day world of education I find I have far fewer conflicts with other staff members than most others and I can easily engage even the most difficult child when other teachers fail.