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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Who Teaches the Teachers?

I thought it appropriate to begin a series of posts on the people that have been my teachers in life.

Robert Pirsig and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - The book that completely changes my life in 1997 and 1998.  Another book I happen across in my dad's library, stored away in cardboard boxes and an unused chest of drawers.  Years later, in asking my dad about the softcover version of the book, learn he has never been able to make momentum into it.  On the inside front cover he has written the month and year he bought it - the same as when I was born.  I take a month to read half of the book before realizing it is so much more than I have initially perceived; I go back and begin it again, finally taking half a year to finish it.  In living a dynamic and fulfilling life, this book will be the mark of before and after, of who I was and who I will become.  Everything I do becomes inextricably linked to the book and the lessons learned.  A spiritual rebirth.  I reread several times over the next 5 years or so.  The book becomes a foundation for the family I nurture with Kelli, the boys I love, and the children I teach.