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Saturday, March 30, 2013


I am extremely smitten with a juvenile Bearded Dragon I was able to purchase for my classroom after the death of our FireBolt just before Spring Break.  As a child, I had dozens of reptiles and amphibians and even indulging them, loving them, and attributing personalities to them, I always saw them as "lacking" much of the mammal personality that makes dogs, gerbils, cats, human children, and bunny rabbits so pleasant to have and take care of.  But I was shocked when I received FireBolt, our first Bearded Dragon, from Mrs. Madden-Miller's nephew (who, entering the teenage years, was compassionate and knew that an increase in social activities meant less time with his pet, and made the choice to rehome it).  FireBolt had a personality, was receptive to dozens of children holding him and touching him, and was tolerant of even my four-year-old holding him, kissing him, and folding his tail along his body to place him in a wooden book to carry around the house.  I could instantly see how this species disposition endeared them to humans and why they have spread across the world from their native Australia.  Our new Bearded Dragon is 6-months-old and I cannot wait for the weekend to be over to show him to my students!
