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Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Break Activities with My Boys

Daily Sharing of a Spring Break Activity:

  1. Every few nights I play a game with my boys, age 5 and 8.  They are large mutant scorpions that have infested a spaceship and I am a robot soldier sent to find them.  They have eaten the crew, the ship is derelict, floating through space, and the power is out so all lights are turned off (in our living room and kitchen).  I hunt them with a workshop flashlight, scanning with the beam to find them, vocalizing audible search indicators.  We pull the couches away from the walls and sometimes flip them for recessed caves or hiding areas.  The scorpions scurry about, hiding from me under and behind things as I perform regimented and predictable search patterns; but I find they are much faster than me and learn my movements.  Quickly the situation sours as they become emboldened and grab at my legs, yell out at me, taunting, and charge at me.  My resolve lost, I send increasingly panicked radio messages to my field commander, who remains unswayed, demanding I continue the mission.  In the rare times when I am able to corner one and shoot them, I later find they are gone, having regenerated and crawled away to join the others in hunting me.  I am alone with them.