Mr. Coleman's Websites

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Research, Research, Re...actually, Stuff you Probably Already Believed but Wish You Had the Data to Reference

  • School Recess Improves Behavior:
  • Green outdoor settings (play, recess, and being outside in general) can reduce ADHD symptoms in children across a wide range of individual, residential, and case characteristics:
  • Algebra too early in school can have negative impact on kids:
  •  Modern Parenthood - Roles of Moms and Dads Converge as They Balance Work and Family
  • Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children
    • An amazing book to read, though the findings and message can be understood immediately and the benefits of knowing the research can be implemented immediately, free of monetary cost, and can help your child excel.
    • From the book description on Amazon: "
      • "By age 3, the recorded spoken vocabularies of the children from the professional families were larger than those of the parents in the welfare families. Between professional and welfare parents, there was a difference of almost 300 words spoken per hour. Extrapolating this verbal interaction to a year, a child in a professional family would hear 11 million words while a child in a welfare family would hear just 3 million" (emphasis mine). "The implications for society are staggering: Hart and Risley's follow-up studies at age 9 show that the large differences in the amount of children's language experience were tightly linked to large differences in child outcomes. And yet the implications are encouraging, too. As the authors conclude their preface to the 2002 printing of Meaningful Differences, "the most important aspect to evaluate in child care settings for very young children is the amount of talk actually going on, moment by moment, between children and their caregivers." By giving children positive interactions and experiences with adults who take the time to teach vocabulary, oral language concepts, and emergent literacy concepts, children should have a better chance to succeed at school" (emphasis mine).