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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reaching Reluctant Reader

UPDATE 3/30 - Link below fixed - Thank You for bringing to my attention

A source to help our reluctant readers: A Parents Guide to the Best Kids' Comics.  I grew up non-book-reader for many years, but loved the act of reading.  My reading was primarily comic books with the TV Guide, magazines and tabloid newspapers my parents subscribed to.  But few books.  Sad...  In Middle School teachers introduced me to several great novels and in high school more popular books sparked my reading fully.  Now I read approximately three hours every day - non-work related.  Hundreds of books. Pleasure...  I see similar children in classrooms but comic books tend so easily towards the pointlessly violent and sexual themes that it is embarrassing to even approach a superhero comic without front-loading/prefacing the stories and artwork with apologies  excuses, warnings, and contextualization.  The challenge is to find well-written and engaging stories for new readers.