Mr. Coleman's Websites

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break Revision and Research for Coleman's Camp

Daily Sharing of a Spring Break Activity:
  • Reviewing and revising Coleman's Camp informational flyer as parents have begun asking about summer enrichment for their children.  Copied in below is the information used when I first created the enrichment program.
    • What if the only constraints on learning were based upon best practices borne out through educational research?
    • What if a teacher used students’ passions and interests to shape instruction and practice?
    • What if students’ classroom learning could be supplemented and deepened?
    • What if the goal of teaching was the expansive enrichment of students
    • What if the reality of teaching-to-the-test was completely removed
    • What if materials used were exciting, individualized, and based upon student choice
    • What if a powerful connection to a teacher did not need to stop based on a nine-month calendar?
    • Coleman's Camp Vision
      • Mr. Coleman is forming an innovative tutoring program named Coleman’s Camp, an ambitious undertaking to utilize a decade of classroom experience at nearly every grade level as well as training in administration, special education, and research-based practices to create a weekly enrichment and support camp for elementary-aged children. In Coleman’s Camp, small groups of students meet as a specialized class to study, explore, and interact with their own learning process in highly individualized and personal ways. The two-hour sessions aim towards mastery of grade-level curriculum taught in Shawnee Mission classrooms but also provide a pervasive environment and cross-pollination of wisdom, art, humor, music, and high quality endeavors.
    • Beginning Coleman’s Camp and Considering Enrolling Your Child(ren)
      • Coleman’s Camp was initiated and developed specifically for Prairie Elementary students in collaboration with Prairie Elementary parents who desired a quality enrichment program that far exceeded the traditional tutoring sessions offered by Mr. Coleman. Coleman’s Camp is structured to be a student-centered, adaptive, and highly engaging environment to deepen student character, intellect, behavior, and peer community.
      • Included below are questions that have been voiced regarding Coleman’s Camp. In considering whether to join us in this adventure I hope these explanations are helpful. Please feel free to contact me if any other information is needed. 
        • Who may attend Coleman’s Camp?  Any student, whether they have had Mr. Coleman as a classroom teacher or not, may attend (except students currently in his 2nd grade class). Students of different ages are encouraged to enroll as themes will be explored within the students’ ability and interest level. Coleman’s Camp uses elements of the Shawnee Mission EL program for high learners and multi-age groups to ensure advancing opportunities. 
        • What is the curriculum of Coleman’s Camp?  Mr. Coleman will utilize teaching experience spanning 1st through 5th grade as a foundation for all enrichment. The objectives, skills, and knowledge taught in the regular education classroom are supported, strengthened, and enlivened. 
        • How often should my child attend?  Students are encouraged to attend either Thursday sessions or Saturday sessions, but not necessarily both, as there is a replication of activities and themes. Skipping sessions, attending twice a month , every other week or similar intermittent scheduling is discouraged; Coleman’s Camp lives and breathes the energy of the participants. 
        • Can students from other schools attend?  Yes, though I anticipate the roster will fill quickly with Prairie students. 
        • How many students will attend each session?  As Coleman’s Camp is newly formed and the overriding standard is high-quality instruction, there will be a limit of approximately 12 students per session. 
        • Does my child need to bring anything?  Participants in Coleman’s Camp can bring a backpack with pens, pencils, markers, scissors, crayons, etc. Any crucial supplies will be provided by Mr. Coleman. 
        • When is payment due?  I ask that parents pay for either the week or month ahead. 
        • How long do sessions last?  We will follow the 9 week quarters of the Shawnee Mission District, meaning the sessions beginning this week will run through the end of 2012 winter break with new sessions beginning in January. 
        • What else do I need to do?  Please call or e-mail to reserve a spot.